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SoCoder -> Link Home -> Videos

Created : 24 August 2009

Lego - Real or Faked?


View on YouTube

You'll know the part!

Personally, I think it's probably just a filter, but others are less cynical!

What do you think?



Monday, 24 August 2009, 12:00
I'm about as cynical as you are, but either way, brilliant! I love the music too.
Monday, 24 August 2009, 12:30
I'd love to think they took the time to build the whole lot, but helen points out to me that the bricks all look extremely clean and uniformly coloured, so its probably done in some 3D software or other.
Monday, 24 August 2009, 12:52
Excellent video. The bits with the people are obviously filmed, due to the smoothness of the action, and considering spinal's point, the whole thing is probably 3D imaging due to the sheer number of bricks, and uniformity. Although the lighting in some bits look quite real, so I dunno...
Monday, 24 August 2009, 16:17
Well, if it's generated they did a good job of giving it that stop-motion shudder. I especially liked the Pong game that was played on a 3D surface but looked standard 2D.
Monday, 24 August 2009, 16:36
At about 0:07 the bricks don't seem to be perfect, so it could be real stopmation.

All I can say... If it is CG, then it's still brilliant, and if it's is real, then the artist must be as content as the person laying on the platform !

If it's real, then it must have taken yonks !
Monday, 24 August 2009, 22:04
I would have to agree, if that was real it would have taken a heck of a long time to do it all - not to mention about $500 worth in legos. I had a lot in my time, but no-where near that many!

The shadows do make it look more real, but do you see any splits between the blocks? I think most of it really was CG. Very nice work nonetheless.
Monday, 24 August 2009, 23:10
I think it's a mixture.

Until 0:36, it's believable. The next part is obviously CG, you can see that the bricks look different than before it. Beyond that, I think it's mostly CG and a bit of real bricks thrown in to keep it looking real.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009, 05:46
I agree with Tiki; a mixture or real and fake.

Very entertaining though.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009, 07:40
I guess another thing to note is that at 2:15 (and in the other similar places with this effect), that 'scrolling' effect would require the block of bricks to be detached from the base board to remove the bottom layer, then replaced, which would look pretty dodgy if done with real bricks.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009, 15:33
There are definitely areas of that video which are real. On at least two occasions where I could see very distinct gaps between the bricks. Also, if you look at something like 2:58 you can see several spots where extraneous particles are hanging off of some of the stuff. Its visible in other places as well, but here it is really obvious with the light coming in from behind. Now, there are places in the video which I think could be argued as being cg.
Saturday, 29 August 2009, 08:18
According to the creators, who apparently are Swedes, this is the offspring of 1500 hours and 7000 SEK ($985, £606, €690) worth of Lego. In other words, real.
Saturday, 29 August 2009, 08:44
In which case, all I can say is wow.
Saturday, 29 August 2009, 09:22
Just because they uses real lego, doesn't mean the entire thing is real.
Sunday, 30 August 2009, 04:19
Look real to me, and WOW!
Monday, 31 August 2009, 16:55
I think that YouTube looked deep into it before posting it on their facebook. I believe it.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009, 18:20
This is real.

It was done with stop motion photography.

You can see the guy shake. He could not stay absolutely still while the legos were being placed.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009, 21:38
If you look at an HD version, you can definitely see edges. I bet they used the smoothed top legos.